Best Home and Gym Workouts with Fittssworld

Best Home and Gym Workouts with Fittssworld

6 Pack Abs Workout: Fitness Tips, How to Fit , Fit 2023

A stronger core is equal to a stronger body, SO

These intense abdominal workouts will help yo

boost gains and build a thick 6 pack!

Fitness Tips, How to Fit , fit 2023

Workout Description 

 To read about another how to get a six pack in 5 minutes plan is like trying to get excited about going to the tough. sometimes seem to be more of a chore than anything.

And to make matters even worse, performing and maintaining a good abs routine is like outclass your fitness  not something you really like to spend your time or money on but you know deep down they will enhance our performance Workouts For Beginners

A necessary for you? Yes, but let’s change it 

so 6 pack abs diet is important when it comes to maintaining great abs for all to see, but you go for  a solid and effective ab program to reap the maximum benefits from your efforts.

Importance of Abdominal and Core Workouts 

A outlook  core can be a key  regarding to your  strength providing improved balance and support up  weak section stability during bigger  lifts. Because , you should stick to a sound and effective plan of attack to boost gains for not only abilities so  reasons but also increase performance balance through other lifts. 

A short stronger core equals stronger squats, deadlifts and bench presses are more effective  Everything (gain , strength, stability) is first obtained from our core Fitness

If this part of our body  gets its due attention we have no choice but to obtain reward in its performance. A  strong midsection creates whole-body strength and stamina 

10 important Abdominal hacks 

There  are ten key moves and their adaption to help you strengthen , squeeze and pound your abs into outlooking body shape

Bicycles Crunches 

You can perform bicycles crunches  the normal way by changing sides or make it a bit more challenging by separating one side and then switching over to the other side . you can  perform all reps for one side then switch and do the same  number of reps for the other.

Leg Raise

You can perform leg raises  on a flat bench, a decline bench. For the hanging position you can  begin with a straight leg and then as you weaken you can  bend your knees to keep the set going for rep . during  hanging from a scowling bar raise up your legs as in the lying raises and stop when your legs are at aligned with the floor and return. For performing  knee raises bring your knees into you abdominal region until they are past aligned and squeeze. Lower just short of at right angles with the floor to keep tension on the lower region.


For performing plank once you reach a level of several sets of 20  seconds with the normal plank it is time for a new move . Try once again the same set for more 20 seconds until your body squeezed.

Windshield Wipers Crunches 

For performing this exercise once you have the basic windshield wiper movement down it is time to up the strength . Perform the movement as you would normally perform  It is a tough addition and requires good strength and technique.

Dragon Flags

For performing this exercise  more advanced out there, try performing the dragon flag on a flat  bench. This will take good strength and stamina , but you will acquire  incredible benefits of more strength and stability once you done it the right way .


 For performing this exercise you can clasp your hands in front of you and perform the exercise as same. This will build up your strength quickly so you may increase up to using weight for the next time 

Side Planks

For  performing this exercise you can try switching  from a side plank to a traditional  plank over to another side plank normally . keep that in your mind  the body should be aligned  and perform the movement in a steady, careful  motion assist good form and function.


The many forms of the crunch. You can also try weighted crunches by lying on the floor with your head toward a rope on a low pull and pull the weight up while you crunch. Be sure to hold the ends of the rope on both side of your head when performing this move.


By forming this exercise you can perform at in gym or in your home Sit-ups can be modified using a decline bench and holding a weight plate on your chest with arms. This addition can be a tough and challenging , so try it with a weight you can handle first with steady motion 

Side Crunches

To performing normal side crunches on a  bench or on the floor, side crunches can also be performed on a  chair. Rotate yourself with your feet and hip get in touch with the bench while your upper body is hanged . Crunch your pelvis by twisting and bending your knees side-to-side at the same.

six pack  Workout: Routine #1

Crunches on a Flex Ball412
Hanging Leg Raises412

Ab Workout: Routine #2

Side Crunches on Roman Chair4     12
Low Pulley Crunches4     12
Windshield Wipers4                 12
3 Way plank 420-25 Sec

Ab Workout: Routine #3

Dragon Flag4            08
1a. Straight Leg Raise4           08
1b. Bent Leg Raises4           08
2a. Russian Twists4     08  each side
2b. Floor Crunch4         12

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